Victoria Street Bungalows I & II

Physical Address: 210 W. Victoria Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93103

Mailing Address: 26 E. Victoria Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Phone: (805) 883-5123


For low-income households

Victoria Street Bungalows consists of 10 one- and two-bedroom cottages, originally built in the 1930s and a separate 6 unit building consisting of transitional apartments, added in 2005. The units are in high demand due to their unique design and convenient location. The city continues to suffer from a housing affordability crisis reflected by high rents, overcrowding, and low vacancy rates. In 1998 the bungalows have undergone rehabilitation, including many upgrades to the existing units, electrical systems, plumbing, flooring and much more.

Santa Barbara County Area Median Incomes